NBI Clearance HIT Status: Understanding and Resolving Issues

Getting an NBI HIT status during the clearance process might show a criminal record associated with your name. Worry not! This might happen due to your name coincidentally matching exactly with an identity existing as a criminal in the NBI database. Getting NBI Clearance for employment, business, travel, or other legal matters is a routine process in the Philippines. 

Receiving an NBI Hit status during your clearance process indicates that you may have a criminal record or any pending case. One possible reason for this status could be that your name coincidentally matches someone with a criminal record in the National Bureau of Investigation’s database. This can be fixed with the NBI Office. As an applicant, you must know how to clear the NBI record or NBI Clearance Hit status.

What Does Hit Mean in NBI?

A hit to NBI Clearance means the applicant’s record might not be criminal-free. It is not an allegation; further verification is needed to ensure that any of the criminal records or pending cases match another person’s details in the NBI database.

How does the NBI Clearance Hit work?

While applying for an NBI clearance, the applicant provides personal information, including full name. Knowing the various reasons for the NBI hit status is very important

hit status

Name Similarity

The most common reason for NBI Hit is the similarity of the applicant’s name with someone who has a criminal history or pending case in the NBI database. This usually happens because of the common names of the Filipinos.

Pending Criminal Cases

If the applicant is going through any criminal case that has been charged in court, the clearance application will receive a hit status. This can be faced even if the applicant is not a proven victim.

Past Conviction

If the applicant has been accused of any crime in the past, the clearance application can encounter an NBI hit. This is because criminal records remain there in the database even if the individual has been over with it.

Clerical Errors

There might be any glitch or error in the database that can lead to a wrong hit. A clerical error or misinformation can also result in a hit.

The Process to Sort Out NBI Clearance HIT Status

Getting hit status on NBI does not mean that you are declared a criminal. This can be resolved by following these easy five steps for getting your NBI Clearance.

nbi hit resolution process

Step1: Attend an Appointment at the NBI Branch

Visit the selected branch on the date of the appointment given in your application. Ensure to take two original valid IDs along with their two photocopies at the branch.  Be presentable on the date of the appointment by dressing appropriately. Avoid wearing sandals, slippers, or shorts.

Step 2: Undergo an interview

During the one-on-one interview session, you will be provided to fill out the Affidavit of Denial. This affidavit contradicts the conviction against you by clearly opposing that the criminal case filed against you belongs to someone else and not you.

Step 3: Fill in the Affidavit of Denial

Have your signatures and thumb impressions on the affidavit state that you do not belong to any criminal record or pending case charged in the court. This document confirms that the person involved in the criminal case is not you.

Step 4: Take an Oath

The next step, after the completion of the Affidavit of Denial, is to take an oath in front of a lawyer. Besides this, you also have to verify your personal information already mentioned in the NBI record. You will be informed about your clearance release and printing time. 

Step 5: Releasing the Conviction and Printing of the Document

After taking all the steps, move to the releasing and printing area to receive your NBI Clearance. The common/identical name issue or clerical issue will be sorted easily this way in the branch, whereas, for pending cases, it is recommended to visit the court to get deposition clearance.

You can Change Information in NBI Record online.

Individual’s Legal Rights and Solutions

In case of being wrongfully flagged by the NBI, an individual must be aware of their legal rights. Here are some easy solutions available for individuals to clear their NBI records. 

legal rights and solutions

Correction of Records

If the hit status on clearance is because of mistaken identity or clerical errors, an individual can file a request to the NBI for the correction in the record. This may also require the submission of supporting documents, affidavits, or fingerprints.

Petition of Expungement

It is a hit caused by any old or resolved case that is there in an individual’s record. An individual may petition the court for expungement or clearance of the case from their record. A formal request can be made to remove the criminal case permanently from the public records once the case has been resolved.

Legal Counsel Assistance

Hiring a lawyer for complex criminal charges cannot be a solution. Here, a legal counsel can assist in clarifying your name, filing court petitions, and protecting your legal rights throughout the process. 

Preventive measures to avoid the hit

A hit on clearance can be avoided by considering the following preventive measures.

avoid hit on nbi clearance

Use Complete Name

Use your complete name (first, middle, and last name) as per your birth certificate to avoid any co-incidence of an identical name to a person with a criminal record already prevailing in the database.

Regular Monitoring of Legal Status

In case of involvement in any legal case, check your legal status to completely resolve the case. Keep the record and copies of the documents certifying to confirm the dismissal of the case or allegation.

Consult a legal Advisor

If you are at risk of receiving a hit due to any unresolved legal matter under your name, consult a legal professional to get a complete guide on necessary actions.

Final Thought

An NBI hit is not a criminal involvement; it might result due to a shared name, an unresolved case, or any clerical error. Resolving the NBI hit status is important to avoid any complications while applying visa or as First time job seeker. An applicant can manage or resolve issues that arise from the NBI hit by understanding the cause and solution to that problem. In case of any complications, seeking legal advice from a professional is a worthy solution. If you forget your nbi reference number you can check this article on how to Recover Your NBI Number.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is NBI Hit Status?

An NBI Hit Status appears when your name completely matches someone else in the NBI database existing with a criminal record or pending case.

Does receiving a Hit Status mean a conviction?

No, receiving a Hit status does not mean to have a criminal case at your name. It simply happens due to a name match or typographical error. 

How long does the verification process take in the NBI Hit Status?

The hit status verification process may vary depending on the number of cases already in the pipeline with NBI or a case that is complex to resolve in a limited time. Sometimes verification takes up to a few days.

Which important documents are required at the appointment to resolve the Hit status?

Original plus photocopy of two valid IDs and NBI Clearance application receipt are required at the branch appointment to resolve the hit.

What is enquired by an applicant during the interview at the NBI branch?

NBI personnel enquires about your personal information, such as address, name, or family background, to cross-match the record. 

What is an Affidavit of Denial in NBI Hit Status?

An Affidavit of Denial is a legal document that you fill out to deny the false case in your name or if a criminal case is filed against someone with the same name as yours. This is to condemn the hit at your clearance. 

What happens after the submission of the Affidavit of Denial?

After submitting the Affidavit of Denial, you will need to take an oath and get your personal information verified before a lawyer. You will be notified of the release date of your clearance after the completion of the process.